Time Won't Fly, It's Like I'm Paralyzed By It: I Want to Tell You Pt. 1

By 5:51 PM , ,

I want to tell you...

I want to tell you that I will never listen to TSwift the same again. All of her lyrics sound like she gets it and in my head I will only hear us singing together, or hear you asking if I can feel you staring at me.

I want to tell you that beer will never taste the same again and I have (slightly) been turned into a snob, even if I still don't know what I'm talking about.

I want to tell you that hockey has always been my first love but that I will never look at it the same way again. I want to tell you that my 0981 is still better than your 1110.

I want to tell you that the hours of conversation we have had were a rawness and a realness I have never felt before, and that I will never regret the oddly comfortable immediate feeling.
I want to tell you that I'm glad you didn't sound like Stephen Hawking either.

I want to tell you that I have a new appreciation for a man and his blowdryer. 

I want to convince you that if you just open your heart to me that I would do my damnedest not to hurt it.
But I want to tell you that I know how it feels to feel empty and hollow and unrepairable and that I have laid in bed and cried until I couldn't anymore, didn't know what I felt, or until I felt nothing.

I want to tell you that I never thought I would be open to something new again, or be able to feel anything from it-- that the thought of it disgusted me for 2 1/2 years.
But I want to tell you that now, after being afraid for that long, I will miss you everyday that you're not around.

I want to tell you that reason #357 that I like you is simply because you are you-- in your loud, obnoxious, ridiculous, unsimmered, handsome, affectionate glory. 

I want to tell you that I want to try to be your best friend.
I want to tell you that time is your best friend.

I want to tell you that it gets better and that there's life again and happiness if you fight for it, so I hope you fight for it everyday.

And I want to tell you that when that happens, I selfishly hope that you immediately think of me. 

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