
By 7:22 PM , ,

I don't write my blog for any other reason than I needed a healthy release over the past year. Something very selfish but, hopefully, tactful. Tonight I had someone, someone who I met just about 3 years ago at the beginning of the tough stuff, give me this gift and tell me thank you for sharing my story and how much it helps people. To say that I'm choked up, touched, or beside myself is an understatement. The tears in my eyes have not gone away.

If I could say anything it would be this: Everyone I have ever written about here or "released" about on this platform has meant something to my heart and has changed me in some way. They have made me realize what it means to love with every part of my soul and live in the moment (even when others thought I was crazy for driving 1,000 miles alone or going out at midnight or staying awake til 4:30am talking or being friends with someone who I was once planning to build a life with) and grow as a person I never thought I would be. They have taught me what it means to truly forgive, to accept someone unconditionally as they are (even when I haven't wanted to), and to be aware of myself and everything that comes along with that-- my strengths and my faults. And if writing about them, or about my feelings about life and how it ebbs and flows helps anyone, I am thankful. Because that means that something positive can come out of something that has been so very painful in my life.

To say that she is the first person, or even the second or third, to ever reach out privately to me, would be a lie. It just happened to be perfect perfect timing. So, with that being said, one thing I want to say to anyone who reads this is that you are not alone. As much as it feels like you are at times, I'm telling you that there are so many others dealing with life's obstacles that you have no clue about. As they say, everyone is fighting a battle, and if my blog helps anyone at all to feel like they are not alone, I'm doing something right in life, even on the days where it feels anything but that.

(And if I could ever reach Brandon Stanton level of excellence, I wouldn't even know what to do with myself.)

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