A Wordy Welcome!

By 6:00 AM

They're these little things that are made up of letters. These little things, with which we can communicate, that we take for granted.

But words are the essence of everything.
Everything we love. Everything we hate.
Everything that breaks our heart.

And everything that keeps us moving forward... again.
I ask you to picture a life without words. Without lyrics. Without quotes. Without witty banter. Awful, eh?

I have had multiple people ask me about this blog- what is it going to be about? And after thinking long and hard for the best answer, I have decided that that answer is...
It's about words. Mine, yours, and theirs. In every form, function, and meaning of such. And in every way that they knock us down and inspire us to get back up everyday.

I hope you enjoy and I hope that one day you will be inspired to share words of your own!

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