Live & Let Live?
For a just a few minutes picture a hiker who gets a blister on mile 26 of a 50 mile hike. When walking to the side of the trail to take care of the blister, they step into a divot in the dirt and twist their ankle. Finally hobbling to a tree to take care of the ankle, an expected thunderstorm comes. Before they know it, or have even taken care of their damn blister, they are now soaking wet, with a blister and a twisted ankle, and realize they still have 24 miles left to hike. After some bitching and crying and second guessing, they stand up and decide their best bet is to keep going because turning around isn't an option, especially when they are further toward their goal than they are to where they began. A month long hiatus is never a sign of productivity. In fact, it is a great indicator of something gone awry. Or off course for a bit. A metaphorical blister/twisted ankle/storm. But here I am with my toe back on the path, trying to get the rest of me moving again.
Tonight I got to thinking about the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life and something that I have all but accepted that I may battle with, in some shape or form for, well, forever-- accepting that you cannot make someone do something, or act in a particular way, just because you think it's what's best for them/you.
Actually, let's be real. You don't think you it's best, you KNOW it is. But, unfortunately, no matter how many times you have done the math and reasoned it all out and come up with your arguments and it seems soooo easy to you, it's still the other person that needs to want the change. And, ya know what usually happens? It's not as easy to them as you have reasoned it out to be.
So how do you just let it go? How do you realize that you can only control yourself and not the actions of others? Maybe, if you're like me, you are stubborn, hard-headed, and an undercover optimist by nature, always seeing possibilities and you don't give up until you've tried it all. And I mean all (I can get very creative, ya know...). And then some more.
I have this idea that if everyone would just listen to me, the world could be such a better place. Everyone would get along. Everyone would be happy. Everyone would be fulfilled. The stars would align, stress would disappear, smiles would rapidly spread across everyone's face and we would all sing Kumbaya by a campfire.
But, I guess, maybe just maybe, we need people on both sides. Ones that feel too much and ones that don't seem to feel much of anything at all. Ones that can find possibility in just about anything. Ones that feel stuck on a wide open road. Ones that say "I can." Ones that say "I quit." Ones that keep moving. Ones that look back. And maybe, it's ok to just live and let live.